Multi 12

3 Black and White + 3 Color puzzles of 99 parts

73591 - Jack of Diamonds
9 parts of 15x15x4 by iphone_puz
73641 - Man at Work?
10 parts of 15x10x2 by iphone_puz
73601 - Japan
15 parts of 15x10x5 by iphone_puz
73681 - Sailing Boat
15 parts of 10x10x2 by iphone_puz
73651 - Give Me Some Honey, Please
25 parts of 10x10x3 by iphone_puz
73701 - Jaguar
25 parts of 10x10x2 by iphone_puz
Single B&W Single B&W with Triangles
Single Color Single Color with Triangles
Multi B&W Multi Color