Classic 6

100 puzzles of all sizes and colors

83129 - Red Flower
45x35x7 by mimi11
7657 - Flying Horror
50x50x2 by maristone
306 - Anchor
32x32x8 by woa
41821 - Knight
25x45x2 by xiayu
89498 - Links 19
35x32x7 by vicenteaspoleti
20124 - Gargoyle
20x20x3 by Cognitive
62481 - Grapes
50x50x2 by maycanatan
83084 - Dragon Sketch
45x45x2 by elimaor
6738 - Stocking
46x50x6 by wiggles
51380 - Potted Plant
31x38x8 by fb16
79217 - Another Lie
36x31x7 by vicenteaspoleti
89414 - Links 12
33x33x7 by vicenteaspoleti
19848 - Ogle
50x50x2 by RTM
6488 - Sunflowers
30x30x2 by ulka
49701 - Butterfly in Black and White
45x45x2 by elimaor
38956 - Violets
40x35x8 by elyen
87452 - One of Santa's...
10x10x3 by zjmonty
96557 - By the Sea
15x15x7 by zjmonty
29768 - Cherries
37x40x8 by chefmomster2
86489 - Tall Blonde
30x38x4 by Glucklich
15422 - Pears
45x45x4 by maristone
58388 - Little Bear
31x30x7 by Nicky
95901 - Moonshine Majesty
10x10x5 by zjmonty
28111 - Puma
50x50x2 by Andreasss
12709 - Cubes
30x30x6 by marcoj
81141 - Puppy
50x35x2 by Jasmeen
5851 - Blowing Bubbles
50x50x6 by wiggles
47845 - Crow
30x32x2 by Java_PL
92433 - Ray
38x28x4 by Vargflickan
26323 - Garfield
50x50x2 by twoznia
77088 - Man's Best Friend
35x40x6 by ZajberZ
11953 - Raider
45x50x2 by RTM
56708 - News
33x42x6 by DinaGreen
45503 - Snail
50x40x2 by dkarpin
92430 - Guusje
38x41x4 by breiwol
75058 - Eagle
30x30x2 by willem
85031 - Betty Boop
45x35x2 by dany_bollicina
11421 - Time is Ticking Away...
30x30x6 by JohnWillemse
55847 - Clarabelle Cow
50x45x3 by bepklep
44716 - Eyes
50x15x2 by Oskar
73460 - Koala
50x50x2 by elimaor
85027 - Fruits
45x50x2 by dr_serdar
8323 - Judge
45x45x2 by Draak
54987 - Flamingo
40x48x5 by vivimagi
104986 - Warm Neck
37x41x7 by Nicky
43039 - Jellyfish
40x35x7 by chiacchia
22586 - Dancer
30x40x2 by milkush
54645 - Adorable Little Fellow
41x40x6 by myamollytaz
104749 - Crazy Cubes 09
21x27x5 by vicenteaspoleti
79404 - Rooster
40x50x2 by xiayu
68604 - Oldtimer
48x39x2 by oko
7679 - Spring3
45x50x8 by ulka
52674 - Sea Creature
32x39x8 by myamollytaz
102194 - Lamp on Wall
25x25x3 by Doomwalkerx
2686 - Penguin
50x50x5 by wiggles
79284 - Good Morning!
40x40x2 by MicroZaza
20396 - Green Eyes
35x30x5 by Mitzi
77269 - Fringe - Gene
47x50x2 by Glucklich
21525 - Frozen Dinner
50x50x2 by Amoebe
6262 - Cute Puppy
40x40x2 by dganit
81709 - Cat 'n Mouse
35x50x2 by Glucklich
79432 - Cherries
35x40x8 by saraepetersson
42520 - Happy Snail
32x32x8 by Acki
59765 - Camel
40x40x6 by AgeX
49665 - Roses are Red
30x40x6 by anoou
8315 - Carrot
45x45x5 by MagiMaster
77613 - Ladybird
39x38x5 by Michaelamm
79221 - Railroad
30x30x7 by elimaor
61933 - Raspberry
31x27x8 by Nicky
52049 - I Can Walk
29x42x7 by Nicky
48412 - Owl
27x28x8 by Nicky
101297 - Pen
45x45x5 by Comicpainter
97482 - Swimming Around
25x25x6 by zjmonty
99212 - Baby Girl
37x36x6 by Nicky
4434 - Toucan
30x45x6 by 1991
3506 - How's the Monkey Hangin'?
50x50x6 by wiggles
57596 - Dragonfly
30x30x7 by myamollytaz
80094 - Blueberries
43x49x5 by saraepetersson
78375 - Duckling Greeting
28x40x8 by puzzelaar
81852 - Brothers
30x17x5 by tomtal
23088 - Lady
50x42x7 by bepklep
6236 - Peek-a-boo Koala
30x40x4 by wiggles
71174 - Strawberry
27x36x8 by Nicky
17760 - I Love You
40x40x6 by Hellas
3372 - Feed Me!
50x45x5 by wiggles
89979 - Fist of Fury
31x36x2 by Jasomslovak
83292 - Horse Silhouette
38x35x2 by ejostrander
41445 - Eagle
40x40x2 by fuatff
63756 - Cat and Bird
29x23x2 by knocka
84196 - Wolf
28x30x2 by D_Shane
23335 - Scottie
24x22x2 by Vargflickan
92171 - Big Apple Bite!
20x25x2 by BitoFlu
42027 - Palm Tree and a Lighthouse
25x40x2 by adamseliga
90537 - Olympics Vancouver 2010 - Snowboardcross
47x30x3 by litalia
79853 - Middle Geometrical Turn
34x34x4 by vicenteaspoleti
81486 - Linked Cubes
40x34x7 by vicenteaspoleti
86421 - Flamingo at Dusk
10x10x4 by zjmonty
89760 - On the City Bus
10x10x6 by zjmonty
5204 - Palomino
10x10x4 by llyra
86104 - Down by the Bay
10x10x4 by zjmonty
Single B&W Single B&W with Triangles
Single Color Single Color with Triangles
Multi B&W Multi Color